Kladower Damm 369, 14089 Berlin
The country route
A pilgrimage all around Spandau
Dorfkirche Gatow (c) Claudia Schwaier
Havelblick Gatow (c) Claudia Schwaier.jpg
Bockwindmühle Gatow Spandau (c) Groeschel Branding
Gutspark Neukladow (c) Patrick Sellerie
Imchenallee Kladow (c) Claudia Schwaier
Hafen Kladow Anleger (c) Claudia Schwaier
Kleine Badewiese Gatow (c) ClaudiaSchwaier
Rieselfelder Gatow (c) ClaudiaSchwaier
Rieselfelder Gatow (c) ClaudiaSchwaier
At almost 30 kilometres, the COUNTRY route is the longest. It crosses a highly varied, often agricultural landscape, characterised by forestry, livestock farming and fishing.
Despite its length, it is a very pleasant walking route on predominantly flat sandy ground, largely away from road traffic. On this trail you pass the churches in Kladow and Gatow, the parish churches of Weinberg and Staaken and the thatched-roof chapel at Groß-Glienicker See.
The route between Laurenziuskirche and the parish church in Staaken is accessible for people with a disability.
There is a paved, family-friendly route from Gnadenkirche in Wilhelmstadt to the village church in Gatow.
At a glance
The COUNTRY route with signposts
- good starting point:
Laurenziuskirche, Heerstraße 367, 13593 Berlin - Length: 30 km
Pilgrims Pass & Guide
- A pilgrim’s pass, guide and route map cost 10 euros
- available at Kirchenkreisbüro, Jüdenstr. 37 and at the so called Büchertisch in St. Nikolai
more info: https://spandau-evangelisch.de/pilgern
Protestant village church Gatow
Alt-Gatow 32, 14089 Berlin
Protestant church Gnadenkirche
Jaczostraße 52, 13595 Berlin
Protestant church Laurentius
Heerstraße 367, 13593 Berlin
Protestant thatched-roof chapel
Protestant parish at Groß-Glienicker See
Waldallee 3, 14089 Berlin